Hello Ebinger Elementary Parents!
I had such a great time teaching The Water Cycle Song to your kids! Special thanks go to Mr. Richard Uppling for joining me on the bass. Check out this video of the performance today…
I would love to share a copy of the song with you. If your kids are like mine, they want to be able to hear a song – anytime, anywhere.
This is a brand new updated studio recording!
In return, I’m going to ask a favor. Please allow me to have your email address so I can stay in touch with you, and please remember to send your friends to this download page if you think they’d like to have the song as well. I’m sure you can appreciate that this is not just a hobby of mine, but how I make a living.
So please fill out the form below, confirm your email address, and then you will be able to download the song.
I will never spam you, and you can opt out at any time.