Recently my family and I went on Spring Break to Nashville, TN. And, yes, we had an absolutely AMAZING time!
We drove to Nashville from our hometown of Chicago, IL. It’s pretty much a straight shot. You get on I65 in northern Indiana, and you just head due south on that highway for several hundred miles. It’s pretty hard to get off course. You don’t really have to pay very careful attention. You don’t have very many options as far as directions or routes are concerned.
We passed right through Louisville, KY, where we had a comical encounter with a Chick-fil-A. More about that another time.
Once you’re down in Nashville, however, you really have to pay attention to where you’re going. The highways are constantly splitting off one way or another. Sometimes you gotta be in the right lane, other times in the left.
It’s kind of like the staircases at Hogwarts. They could shift on you at any time.
I thought about this metaphor today when I found myself wondering, “Am I still on the Dream Highway?”
The Dream Highway – a life well-lived, lived to the full, full of joy and celebration while you pursue your dreams – is a great place to be…until, of course, you stop paying attention and find yourself…someplace other than where you’d like to be.
It can happen in a moment.
Suddenly you may find yourself saying, “This doesn’t feel like the Dream Highway anymore!”
Can you relate?
Well, I say it’s better to know you’re no longer on the Dream Highway than to be completely oblivious to the fact. Because, then you can do something about it!
One of the most empowering things I’ve learned is that I’m in the driver’s seat when it comes to my life. When I start feeling unsatisfied with the direction my life is going, it is completely within my power to turn the thing around and start heading in my desired direction.
And you can too! It only takes awareness and a decision to change.
For me, creating that awareness has been honed through the coaching I have received, as well as through practicing consistent mindful meditation.
If you’re interested, feel free to reply. I’d love to tell you more about it.
Until next time!