Exciting News! First Keynote Speech on Being the Difference

I wanted to share with you a bit of exciting news!

I have been preparing an event entitled “You are the Difference.” This is a presentation where I speak, perform original music and engage with people. I call it a keynote concert. Last night folks were calling it a devotional.

​Whatever you want to call it, I gave my first one last night to a group of teens in the West Ministry Center of the Chicago Church of Christ. It was a huge success! Here’s what the leaders of the teen ministry, Curt and Heidi Ammons and their daughter had to say in response…

Ammons’ Testimonial for Steve Pederson [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN2VOeD7IqQ]

Curt said that he would share this with everyone on staff with the church, so I hope to be taking this message to more groups within the church and beyond.

Hopefully, one day soon, I’ll be able to share you this life-transforming message!

Stay tuned!

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