I am very excited, as this is my very first email I am sending out to my fans!
First of all, I want to thank you for your support. Just by being on my email list is a HUGE vote of support that I am very grateful for.
I have a lot of hopes and dreams, as I know we both do, and I look forward to sharing the journey with you.
But, I want you to know that, right off the bat, this is not just about ME. That would be very narcissistic of me…and would get boring real fast!
I am trying to do something different – something that’s not usually done when it comes to musicians. I want this journey to be about how I can be of service to you. I think it would be really cool to hear some of your stories…and maybe I can somehow turn that into a song.
Who knows?
In any case, my goal is to inspire you, whether it be through words or music or both. I will be looking forward to interacting with you so I can find out what inspires and moves you and do my best to bring that to you.
The Membership Site
I wanted to give you an update on my members area of my site. This is where you’re going to be able to log in and listen to songs I’ve either written or am in the process of writing. You will have a big impact on the development of those songs as you give me your feedback. How cool is that? Who knows? Maybe when I release my next CD, your name will be in the liner notes as someone who played a big part in making it happen!
Anyhow, the update is that I’m making progress, but I’ve hit a few technical glitches.
Those technical glitches (shaking my fist).
I can’t promise a date, but it won’t be long now…
Thanks for your patience, and, rest assured, you’ll be the first to know when it is ready.
Until next time…