How’s This for Cool?

The Memorial Day forecast here in Chicago calls for record-high temperatures. To balance out all that crazy heat, I thought I would offer a bit of really cool news…

I was having breakfast with a friend of mine Saturday, and he was telling me that he and his family are going to be in the Minneapolis area this Friday – specifically Bloomington.

Why is that so cool?

Because, it just so happens that I am also going to be in Bloomington this Friday…kicking off the summer with a house concert!

What are the odds?

It’s so cool that my Chicago friends are going to join me in Bloomington, MN for my house concert, and you know what else is so cool?

You can join me as well – without leaving the comfort of your air-conditioned living room.

How so?

I am planning to broadcast the concert live from my Facebook page!

Click here for details about the live broadcast on Facebook

Of course, if you’re going to be in the Minneapolis area this Friday, why don’t you come out and experience it live?

Here is the link to check out the details for the event

One way or the other, I hope to see you there.

Until then, have a great week!.

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