TDH Album Cover Design

Album Title: The Dream Highway

Photos for consideration…

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 2 Original…

Photo 2 constraints…


I show you the constraints with photo 2 to let you know that changing the color of the sky would be difficult because of the yellow throughout the trees.

One of the requests from Photo 2 is that the sun be right on the horizon of the road, like in Photo 1, which is why I had to edit the photo.

What people said they liked about Photo 2 is that it looks like you’re actually ON the highway, as opposed to off to the side like in Photo 1.

Mock ups so far…


One consideration that I need to keep in mind is that, with the album cover being displayed on mobile devices and streaming services, there may only be a thumbnail-size image, so the font needs to be readable with a small image.

What I like about the top image is that the “The Dream Highway” copy forms a nice angle that seems parallel to the highway.

I think I’m leaning more toward using the top image (Photo 1), and it seems like the Facebook community is leaning more towards that one as well.

And, another couple versions…


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