The Power of Water

Water is a powerful thing. I had been feeling really tired today…even after taking an afternoon nap!

I then guzzled down more than a bottle of water. In just a few minutes I was feeling tons better!

Man, you gotta appreciate water.

Speaking of water, a couple weeks ago I shared a link to The Water Cycle Song I had written. Since then, some exciting things have happened.

I finished up a brand new studio recording of the song, performed it live for all the third graders at my daughter Carley’s school, got a video recording of the live performance and then created a music video for the song.

I think the most exciting this was getting Thank you letters from all the kids in Carley’s class. My first real fan mail!

I’ve also had the executive director of the HealthStart Foundation [ ] ask to include the lyrics in their curriculum!

Exciting times!

If you haven’t seen the music video yet, you can view it here [ ].


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