What do you have in common with George Washington, Susan B. Anthony and Martin Luther King Jr.?
You can make a difference in your community by simply getting involved!
Come on a journey through American history and the stories of the difference makers that made it happen.
The stories may surprise you!
Steve Pederson takes you from the birth of the United States, through the revolutionary war, the development of the railroad industry, women’s suffrage, the civil rights movement and finally to the difference YOU can make as an individual in your society.
In this fun, informative and interactive experience, you’ll get to sing along to someĀ great classic American favorites…
- The Star Spangled Banner (with a fun new beat)
- Yankee Doodle
- I’ve Been Working on the Railroad
- The New Emancipation
- We Shall Overcome
- This Land is Your Land
Check it out…
The Result
Citizens of all ages go away feeling like, no matter what they have to offer, they can be the difference in their community by simply having the courage to get involved.
Here’s what people are saying about this experience…