Several days ago, you may remember, I sent out an email asking for people to help spread the word about a program I offer entitled You are the Difference.
The response has been fantastic! I’ve received some really great feedback from people asking me to come to speak to their staff, telling friends and family about what I’m doing, and even offering prayers.
Thank you for that!
I would love to keep the momentum going, and to do so I am giving you a couple of tools to make the job of spreading the word a little easier, if you’re willing to help.
First, I’ve just created a new page on my website dedicated to this program. You may want to check that out. Here is the link:
If nothing else, you’ll want to check it out to see a picture of me from high school with long curly hair and a wrench on my nose!
Did you catch that link? Did you see how short it is? I made that link,, specifically for social media. It’s super easy to post. You can copy and paste that link to social media really easily. If you’re a Twitter fan, it’s especially helpful, because it takes up so few characters.
In fact, let me make it even easier. If you want to cut and past the following post, it’s short and sweet and will fit on any social media platform, including Twitter:
Looking to make an impact? The perfect live event to help you realize that You are the Difference is here:
Also, I know some of you prefer to use email, and know some people that might be interested. To help you out, I have appended some text below my signature that you can simply copy and paste into your own email.
In helping me spread the word about this, you will not only be doing me a huge favor, but potentially saving somebody’s life. That’s the seriousness of the message that I want to take to as many people as possible.