Exciting News about New Songs

I’ve got some exciting news to report!

This past Wednesday I taught my song Get Ready for Rain at the
midweek service of our northside ministry.

I got a lot of really positive feedback. So, I captured some video
testimonials of how it impacted some people. You can check out the
videos here [
https://stevepederson.com/get-ready-for-rain-inspires-folks/ ].

I will be teaching the same song this week to another group of

Then, this coming Sunday, I will be visiting the Central ministry
center of the Chicago Church, and I will be introducing them to my
song Holy Trinity. I will also be playing my version of Amazing
Grace during the communion.

I’ve also begun making connections with the worship team leader of
the Minneapolis/St. Paul Church, so I hope to be able to introduce
my songs to them as well very soon.

I have to say that what’s been the coolest thing about this
adventure is just getting to know people and interacting with them.
When you make a connection with people…it’s very special.

I’m very grateful for the people that have responded with kind
words and offers to help.

As a reminder, all these songs are available on my website for
members. If you haven’t signed up for your free membership yet, I
invite you to stop on by the website and do so.

Click here to sign up [




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