The Dream Highway

New Album Out Now!

You can listen to the songs on Spotify, Amazon, iTunes and YouTube.

Have a listen and give me your feedback. Please be as specific as possible. What do you like/dislike about the songs? These songs are for you!

11 thoughts on “The Dream Highway”

  1. The guitar work is beautiful, on both.
    Keep going. I like the theme and suggestion of Brainstorming.
    You have the annunciation down real good. Almost so good that it seems a bit unreal (in the first song). Try using a little hometown slang, perhaps. (I’m not sure about this comment, just a thought.)

    1. I likethe country-folk feel of gunning it amd i get a sense of croby, steale and nash listening to breather…like them both…breather touches me personally.
      Good work steve

  2. I like “my journey is my destination “ modulation at the end. I expect is in all verses. 🙂

  3. Peggy Munyasya

    I like the song “Dream Highway”, I can picture myself driving playing my favorite songs full blast.

  4. Great job on all 3 songs. Good hooks on Brainstorming and Take a Breather. And I love that you live the message by taking a breather!

  5. Steve, I just listened to Take a Breather again. I find it very relaxing and inspiring. We all need to be reminded of the very things your message so beautifully says!

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